If you encounter an issue where you made a withdrawal from CBANX however the amount was not credited to the account in the other exchange. First please check the details of the withdrawal under User History.
2. Login to your account and Click on User History .
2. Select the Withdraw tab.
This will list all the withdrawal details like Transaction ID (TxID). Generally TxID are generated within 30 to 60 minutes indicating that a transaction has begun in the respective blockchain. When you see the TxID please click on "Check" to the right of the TxID, to check the status and confirmations on the blockchain.
Please check:
- If the blockchain is showing that it is still not yet confirmed then please wait for the confirmation process to complete.
- If the blockchain is showing that the transaction is already confirmed, which means that CBANX has transferred the coin successfully and cannot do anything to help you. In such cases you need to negotiate with the owner of destination address.
- If your TxID has not been generated after 6 hours of your withdrawal please create a ticket and attach screenshot of your withdrawal history.