Facing issues or have a query? You can contact our Live chat Support available 24x7 throughout the year. You will be interacting with Trained Professional Agents, who will help you resolve issues or answer any query.
You can also let us know about your queries or issues through Tickets as well. Where you just need to enter few details and tell us the issue you are facing and we will get back to you.
Steps to Create a Support Ticket:
1. Go to www.CBANX.com and login to your CBANX Account.
2. On the menu bar click on 'Support'.
3. Now, click on 'New Support Ticket'
4. Enter your Email and select an appropriate Subject along with a Description. You can also attach a file by clicking the 'Attach a file' link below the Description.
5. Click on the checkbox which says 'I'm not a robot' and follow the instructions and click verify .
6. Now, click the Submit Button.
You will receive a response with 12 to 24 hours.